

Software technology is used to provide facilities to user to perform their jobs quickly and accurately. That is why software and mobile apps are used in most institutions to maximize the efficiency and performance of the institution. The objectives of the latest technology are to speed up the system, to reduce the errors and to develop error free inputs, as invalid inputs are the main cause of computer mistakes and a computer never makes mistakes of its own.
Every country in the world want to develop the technological excellence to reduce problems and store its progress in the record, so we as developing country should realize this trend and should need to adopt this high speed technology. Software technology is not used only in science and arts, but it is also applied in all sorts of data processing activities including e-commerce and data mining.
1.1 Objective of School ERP Application
Now these days Web/cloud ERP and Mobile Applications play very important role in any formal organization, because computer works faster and accurate than human. The Objective of developing the Software ERP system of any organization is that to make easy to management to store a large number of data/reports into the computer. It is difficult for any management to store the large number of data manually or in papers. In that case when any user wants to take information it is very difficult for management to provide information immediately. It is very time consuming process but by using Software technology it takes only few seconds.
1.2 Perspective of School ERP Application
This School ERP is being produced for Schools, Educational institution, Coaching classes to maintain records. This School ERP is basically for the use of Administrators in schools, institutions, Employee and teaching staff, Core management key persons and their clients/ scholars/guardians. They will use it for storing the records and retrieve the information for the users. It is new innovated Web and cloud base School ERP solution for present generation frame work and hardware architecture.
1.3 Scope of School ERP Application
School ERP is intended to help the any institute/school that wants to store their students and management records into the cloud/server. Our School ERP is specially designed for dynamic methods in various fashion of office work, flow of tasks, communication, and distribution of information on permission.
Our School ERP will fulfill all the requirement of schools, Staff and parents. It will store all the personal and academic information of the students. It will also store the fee and other extra-curricular activities and department wise essentials of the students and staff. Management will get information of any student/staff who studied/studying in School easily. This School ERP will also help the management to store their planning and income expenditure. Payroll system is very important of any organization, so this School ERP will also handle the pay roll system of Schools.
School would enable a paperless environment of working in daily process.
Communication will enable in automated mode that includes recorded acknowledgement for each and every thing though passing all kind of information. !